At CR Guitars we are known for our careful selection process and this certainly applies to acoustic guitars. From meticulous hand crafted appointments to tone-that-stops-time we are constantly amazed at the incredible level of workmanship and innovation being produced, particularly in the acoustic realm. The phrase golden age of lutherie can perhaps sound hyperbolic, but when you step inside our shop or our website that term applies in full force.
Currently, we have an absolutely stunning array of acoustics that any acoustic guitar enthusiast would love to experience.
What makes these guitars so special? Brilliant design for one. Check out Jason Kostal's and Michi Matsuda's headstocks, Raymond Kraut's and Maximonte's whimsical rossettes and inlays and Galloup's cutaway and body bevels. Some of these guitars have alternate tone hole locations, and all of these guitars are made by craftpeople at the very top of their game using treasure troves of gorgeous and often rare tonewoods. And of course, all of these guitars are musical from top to bottom - they exude a richness of tone that invites you to explore, and never be done exploring.
So explore away intrepid acoustic guitar enthusiast; some of the most brilliant and inspiring acoutic guitars out there are here in our shop, right now.
Here is our current list of wonder-inspiring instruments:
- James Olson SJ
- Raymond Kraut OMC Nouveau
- Jason Kostal MDW
- Galloup Borealis
- Stephen Marchione OMC
- Michi Matsuda 7-String
- Maxmonte Thames OM